To become a leader as a retreat centre in enabling the people of our communities to know, to grow, and to lead in spreading God’s love and His message.
We provide a serene lovely environment for your next retreat.
We also provide opportunities to grow in your faith and love for God.
We are located in Glengarry where the faith first entered Ontario. Our people are proud of their Catholic roots whether from a Scottish or French background.
A Brief History of Maison Shalom House
One of Bishop LaRocque’s first initiatives when he arrived in the Diocese of Alexandria-Cornwall was to develop a new diocesan retreat centre. On October 17, 1974, the Sisters of the Holy Cross donated Iona Academy, located in St. Raphael's to the Diocese for $1.
In July 1975, Fr. Donald Scott was appointed to oversee the renovations and opening of Maison Shalom House. This became a true diocesan affair as many groups and individuals contributed money, items and time to the cause.
On October 14, 1976, Bishop LaRocque officially opened Maison Shalom House.
Under the guidance of Sr. Jeannine Bissonnette, s.s.c.j., and Sr. Georgette Thibault, s.s.c.j., Maison Shalom House grew into a successful and popular centre of spiritual growth. During the 32 years that Shalom was located in St. Raphael’s more than 84,00 people were welcomed.
On February 4, 2008, the Poor Clares donated their Alexandria convent to the Diocese for $2 (inflation!) Under the direction of Sr. Alice Laurin, s.a.s.v., the diocesan retreat centre moved to this new more modern facility. Following Sr. Alice's retirement at the end of 2017, Sr. Sue Burns, c.s.c., took over the reigns of Shalom.
In 2021, a partnership between the Archdiocese and St. Finnan's Basilica and the other parishes located in North Glengarry was forged. Fr. Jonathan Blake, the rector of the Basilica, along with a management board now oversees Shalom. And so a new chapter begins.