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Advent Check-In


We are on day 10 of Advent and less than two weeks away from Christmas!

Is your reaction to that statement - yikes how can that be?! I'm not nearly ready! Or is your reaction one of calm and serenity because you have been using Advent for what it is meant to be - a preparation time for Christmas.

If like many of us you are in the first category - stop and take a deep breath. While it may seem impossible try and set aside 10 minutes each day from now until Christmas to soak in Advent. Below are just a few ideas for that 10 minutes.


“Let’s approach Christmas with an expectant hush, rather than a last-minute rush.”


  • Sign up for Dynamic Catholic's Best Advent Ever. Each day you will receive a short video with inspirational Gospel reflections to help you slow down and connect with God. Don't worry if you have missed the first 10 days!

  • Go and see The Chosen's Christmas Holiday special. It is playing at The Port (132 Montreal Road, Cornwall) from now through Sunday.

  • Go to Confession. St. Finnan's Basilica (72 St. Paul Street) will be hosting a Penitential Service on Monday, December 18th from 7 pm to 9 pm.

Whichever of these suggestions you choose, or if you have a different idea of how to slow down and make space for the Christ Child, we wish you a fruitful and Holy Advent.

Please share in the comments below what you have been doing this Advent!

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Inez Franklin
Inez Franklin
Dec 14, 2023

St. James and St. Finnan’s CWL Councils‘ joint Christmas celebration was at Maison Shalom House this week. Delicious meal! Sr. Denise Desrochers, csc, offered a beautiful Advent reflection on “The four graces of Advent”. Great setting for our gathering.

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