We hope you had a wonderful Christmas Day and that the first 4 days of the Christmas season have been fun ones! As promised - though a day late - ideas for how to celebrate the last 6 days of the 12 Days of Christmas.
Day 7 - December 31st - Family
Today the Church recognizes the Holy Family in a special way. Pope Leo XIII first came up with the idea and in 1921, Pope Benedict XV made the Feast of the Holy Family part of the General Roman Calendar. The primary purpose of the Church in instituting and promoting this feast is to present the Holy Family as the model for all Christian families. So today why not do something as a family such a game day or movie night!

Day 8 - January 1st - Mary
Mary, Mother of God! There are many Marian feasts throughout the year, but this one really makes the point. On this first day of the New Year we also celebrate the World Day of Peace, so who better to honour than the mother of the Prince of Peace. Watch Mary of Nazareth on Formed. (If your parish does not have an account you can try Formed for 7 days for FREE.)
Day 9 - January 2nd - Carols
Before people turn off their Christmas lights for another year, take a stroll around your neighbourhood and check out the lights. And be sure to sing a few carols as you walk. If you want to up the ante you can always go to Upper Canada's Alight at Night or drive to Alexandria for their free Festival of Lights.
Day 10 - January 3rd - Gift
Surprise your neighbours with a small gift of cookies or candy. What's on sale that you can get them started for next year's Christmas season. Use your imagination.
Day 11 - January 4 - Skate, Walk
The kids are still on vacation so consider going for a walk in Guindon Park, along the St. Lawrence Parkway or the trails in Alexandria. Or call your local rink for public skating times and take the whole family skating.
Day 12 - January 5 - The Magi
The 12th and last day of Christmas has arrived! The eve of the Epiphany. Round up the kids or grandkids give each of them a king. Read the Gospel of the visit of the three wise men (see Matthew 2:1-12) or watch the story. Next have the kids march through the house holding the figures of the kings singing “We Three Kings.” Finish by putting the wise men in the crèche. Go to Our Sunday Visitor for more ideas.
We hope you enjoyed celebrating the 12 Days of Christmas with us. Just so you know Lent starts in less than seven weeks!!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!